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Office of the President

Office of the President



校长是红木社区学院区的首席行政官,负责监督红木学院的行政管理. Dr. 基斯火焰喷射器 is the 7th President of CR, joining a diverse group of leaders.


What exactly do people in Humboldt do for a living, and why? Listen to 讨论洪堡 with Keith and Tom, 皇冠365官方app的基思·弗拉默和加州保利大学洪堡分校的汤姆·杰克逊与让洪堡大学成功的人进行了交谈.



I want to welcome you to College of the Redwoods (CR). 

CR是一个特殊的学习环境,学生可以在这里获得成功所需的知识和技能. 我们致力于通过为计划寻求转学学位的学生提供课程和服务,为学生提供实现其教育目标的机会, train for immediate employment or transition to a new career. 

我相信, as a learning community, 我们努力提供优质的教育,同时确保我们的学生仍然是我们的首要任务. We offer an environment that allows students to feel challenged, supported and determined—an environment in which every student can thrive and succeed.
As CR President, I appreciate this opportunity and am excited to work wonderful faculty, 教职员工和学生要做出积极的改变,同时继续使我们的学院成功. 

我邀请您参观尤里卡校区或我们的一个全区教育中心或网站. I am confident that when you visit, 你会发现是什么让皇冠365官方app成为一流的综合性社区学院. 

Dr. 基斯火焰喷射器

尤里卡校区的学生服务/行政大楼是以皇冠365官方app的第一任校长命名的, Dr. Eugene Portugal.


Dr. 基斯火焰喷射器

Dr. 基斯火焰喷射器拥有冈萨加大学组织领导力博士学位,在推进公立社区学院使命方面有超过25年的杰出服务. Dr. Flamer was named President/Superintendent of College of the Redwoods in 2015. As President of College of the Redwoods, 弗拉默校长担任首席执行官,领导一个由400多名教职员工组成的地区,为超过6人提供服务,000名学生.

总统弗拉默的职业生涯反映了他致力于帮助学生在他们的教育追求成功的服务. During his 17-year tenure at College of the Redwoods, Dr. Flamer曾担任各种领导职务,包括教学和学生发展副总裁以及学生服务副总裁. Prior to coming to College of the Redwoods, 他曾在水晶湖的麦克亨利县学院担任学习和学生支持服务助理副校长以及招生和学生发展执行院长, 伊利诺斯州. President Flamer is a proud Veteran of the U.S. 海军陆战队.

Active in the community, 他目前担任洪堡地区基金会的董事会成员, Eureka Chamber of Commerce, and Open Door Community Health. He previously served as a member of the Board of the Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods. He is a member of the Old Town Rotary Club of Eureka.

President Flamer has endeavored to broaden the reach of CR’s partnerships with business, 政府, 行业, 社区组织和教育机构协调共同的反应和资源,共同促进和支持社区的经济发展. Dr. Flamer and Cal Poly Humboldt President Dr. 汤姆杰克逊已经形成了密切的合作伙伴关系,以创新的方式合作,共同满足学生和社区的需求.

As an educational leader, 弗拉默校长认为,拥抱多样性并对所有学生的需求保持敏感是至关重要的. He supports the success of those who may be differently abled or who experience social, 文化和经济取向和背景与与这些学生互动的教职员工所经历的不同. 他坚信多样性就是力量,多元文化是值得庆祝的, 提升, 和珍惜.

President's 2023-25 Goals

Goal 1: 认证
  1. 继续领导机构努力达到或超过所有ACCJC认证标准 and eligibility requirements.
Goal 2: Fiscal Stability
  1. 继续确保企业责任有符合董事会政策目标的预算基金储备.
  2. Continue monitoring the College’s student debt and pension liabilities.
  3. Continue pursuing grant funding that will benefit the institution. 
  4. 继续确保该区有足够的收入来运作和维修其设施. 
  5. Continue efforts to increase FTES.
Goal 3: Student access and success, retention and completion
  1. 继续展示在达到或超越地区成功愿景目标及机构效能记分卡目标方面的进展.
  2. Continue expanding and enhancing wraparound student services, including enrollment, academic advising, 金融援助, 基本需求, 咨询, 住房, and mental health.
  3. 继续发展支持学生成功和入学率增长的项目和举措.
  4. 确保地区的预算符合以学生为中心的资助公式(SCFF)的资助类别.
Goal 4: President and Board of Trustees
  1. Continue keeping the Board informed about College initiatives, construction projects, and issues affecting the District.
  2. Continue advocating for CR locally and statewide.
  3. Continue showcasing various programs at Board meetings.
  4. Continue supporting opportunities for Board education and training.
  5. 定期向理事会报告地区的策略和资金筹措方案的进展情况, the hold harmless option, and enrollment growth.
Goal 5: In快ructure
  1. 继续使环境管理策略与机构规划、措施和资源分配保持一致.
  2. Implement the Revised Facilities Master Plan (FMP).
  3. Align FMP strategies with institutional planning and resource allocations.
  4. Begin the process to renovate the Community Stadium and build the PE/Fieldhouse Complex.
  5. 确保学院有足够数量的合资格行政人员和职员,以达致学院的使命和宗旨.
Goal 6: Innovation and Planning for the Future
  1. 拓展对经理、院长和行政领导成长至关重要的专业发展.
  2. Continue fostering an institutional culture that values innovation.
  3. 研究和开发新的副学士和学士学位和短期课程,以支持教育总体规划倡议和满足我们社区的劳动力需求.
  4. 继续努力确保在线教学的质量和有效性,并获得CVC-OEI的教学学院资格.
  5. Expand efforts to identify and address economic/workforce needs of the community.
  6. 制定和实施一套方法,在学院的所有管理和行政层面推进继任计划.
Goal 7: Communication and Relationship Building
  1. Continue communicating regularly with the College to foster community, recognize achievement, maintain a culture of accreditation, 并提高校园内努力提高学生成功和完成的意识.
  2. Continue advocating efforts on the local and state levels.
Goal 8: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and 可访问性
  1. Continue enhancing support programs for students that identify as LGBTQ+, students with disabilities, and students from marginalized populations.
  2. Continue supporting faculty to revise curriculum for appropriate DEIA content.
  3. Provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff focused on DEIA.
  4. Continue efforts to incorporate DEIA in employee evaluations.
  5. Continue efforts to offer anti-bias professional development for faculty and staff.
Goal 9: CR’s Presence in the Broader Community
  1. Continue collaborating with Cal Poly Humboldt.
  2. Continue elevating collaboration and eng年龄ment with local businesses, 行业, 政府 年龄ncies, 部落, non-profit organizations, community-based organizations, 和K-12学区作为学院对学生和社区承诺的证据.
  3. 透过社长谘询委员会继续与社区建立关系.
  4. Continue communicating the interests of the College, student success, and college programs to the community.


Contact Information

 基斯火焰喷射器, President/Superintendent

 Julie Gilbride, Senior Executive Assistant to the President


Student Services/Administration Building

  2023 College of the Redwoods