




创业需要计划, 做出关键的财务决策, 并完成一系列法律活动.

查看我们的在线资源,和/或 和我们就业中心的工作人员预约一下 讨论你的选择!


  1. 了解自己, 你真正的动机水平, 你能拿多少钱冒险, 以及为了成功你愿意做些什么. 当然,我们都想赚数百万美元. 但你愿意做什么 为了达到目标而放弃? 你每周要工作几个小时 持续的基础? 你愿意走出自己的舒适区有多远 拉伸? 你的家人会陪你走多远? 要想成功, keep your 商业计划s in line with your personal and family goals and 资源.
  2. 选择适合你的业务. 旧的公式——找到需求并满足它——仍然有效. 它总是有效的. 成功的关键是 寻找你能满足的需求, that you want to fill, and that will produce enough income to build a profitable business.
  3. Be sure there really is a 市场 for what you want to sell. 一个 of the biggest mistakes startups make is to assume a lot of people will want to buy a particular product or 服务 because the business owner likes the ideas or knows one or two people who want the product or 服务. 为了将损失的风险降到最低,永远不要假设有 市场.  研究这个想法. Talk to real potential prospects (who aren't family and friends) to find out if what you want to sell is something they'd be interested in buying, and if so, what they'd pay for the product or 服务. 
  4. 调查你的竞争对手.  不管是什么类型的业务 你在起跑,你会遇到竞争对手. 即使有 no other business offering exactly what you plan to sell, there is very likely to be other products or 服务s your target 客户 are using 来满足他们的需求.  要想成功,你需要 调查竞争对手 and find out as much as possible about what they sell and how they sell it. Competitive research is something you should plan on doing on an 也是持续的基础. 如果真的没有其他竞争者,那就是 possible there isn't a 市场 or a real need for what you want to sell.
  5. 计划成功. If you're not seeking investors or putting a huge sum of money into your business, 你可能不需要详细说明 商业计划, but you still do need a plan - one that specifies your goal – your destination – and then lays out at least a skeletal roadmap for how 你会到达你想去的地方. 计划会随着你的进步而改变 and learn more about your 客户 and competition, but it will still 帮助你保持专注,朝着正确的方向前进. 使用我们的 商业计划工作表 帮助制定基本计划.
  6. 了解运营需求.  大多数人都在思考 about starting a business focus on what they’ll sell and who they’ll 把它也卖掉.  他们通常不会考虑的是企业将如何发展 实际操作. 例如,如果你在销售商品,他们将如何 被交付? 需要多少客户支持 answer questions about the product or to respond to people whose 货还没到? 你们需要接受信用卡吗? 将 你给客户开发票? 谁来跟进确保你得到了报酬? 谁 will build and maintain your website and social media presence?  将 你可以 使用虚拟助手 对于这样的任务,你是否需要雇佣员工? 即使你是 starting a small personal 服务 business, these are issues you should 考虑和计划.
  7. 不要拖延. 我听过一些人的建议 would-be business owners to not move ahead with 他们的业务 until they have investigated every last detail of the business they want to start and are absolutely sure it's all going to work and be profitable. The problem with that approach is that it leads to procrastination. No one ever really has all the pieces in place – even after they've started 他们的业务. 是的,你需要调查市场,有一个 rudimentary plan in place, and do things like getting a tax id if 需要时,向当地官员登记,如果需要的话. 但如果你尝试 to make everything perfect before you launch, you may never get around 开始你的事业. 
  8. 在全力以赴之前先从小规模开始. 一些 人们认为企业家是冒险者. 但大多数情况下 part, successful entrepreneurs don't like walking blindfolded on a limb. 相反,他们承担可控的风险. 他们在小型设备上测试一个想法 scale, then build on what works well, tweak what shows promise, and 抛弃灾难.
  9. 不要执着于错误,也不要因为错误而士气低落. The difference between successful people and everyone else is that the 成功人士从错误中吸取教训并继续前进. They don't dwell on failure, blame the economy, curse their bad luck, 或者把自己的命运归咎于别人. 如果通往他们目标的道路是 blocked, they look for an alternate path or sometimes choose a 不同的,更容易实现的目标.

  10. 向他人学习. 寻找导师,加入小组 like-minded people, learn everything you can about your industry and what it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be. 参加 行业会议. 有机会参加培训课程. 买 专家授课. 你将省去大量的审判 and error by learning from people who have been there before.
  11. 想想你在做什么生意. 跟踪 收入和支出, 把商业资金和个人资金分开, find out what regulations your business needs to abide by.
  12. Understand the difference between working for yourself and building an ongoing business. If you want to build a business, you need to develop systems and methods that allow you to hire other people to DO the work of the business while 你计划好了. 如果你不引进,你就限制了增长的潜力 其他人为你工作.
  13. 了解投资者. If the business you are starting will need investors to grow, do what you can to 找出投资者在寻找什么 and where to find those who might invest in your kind of business. Local angel and venture capital groups are a good place to start – attend meetings they hold or meetings that investors are speaking at. 有一个 电梯游说 practiced so you can use it to interest investors if you get a chance.
  14. 走出去. 问出你想要的东西 礼貌的方式.) I started my online business by participating online on 通用电气的GEnie在线服务. 当我准备给他们发建议书的时候 run a small business area, I could not only talk about my credentials in general, but point to places I was already contributing to their 服务. I became one of the early content providers to America Online 因为我拿起电话打了个陌生电话. 我最后得到了 new consulting client after I struck up a conversation with a woman 在飞机上坐在我旁边. 记住,人们喜欢做生意 和他们认识的人. 让球滚起来,让它滚过去 不断地 主动向新朋友介绍自己.
  15. 拥抱数字营销. 即使你在经营 local business, you need a comprehensive digital presence. 在一个 minimum, you need a professional-looking website, an email list that lets you communicate with 客户 and prospects on a regular basis and presence on the social media channels that your 客户 frequent. While you may get many of your 客户 by word of mouth, referrals, or 网络,你仍然需要一个强大的数字形象. 其原因是: prospective 客户 are likely to look you up on the web before they 决定是否与你联系. 优惠券,特别优惠,还有 practical information sent to your email list can encour年龄 客户 以及向你购买或重复购买的潜在客户.
  16. 永远不要停止学习和尝试新事物. 是什么 profitable now, won't necessarily be profitable next year or 10 years 从现在开始. So, don't let yourself fall into the "this is the way I've 做事总是墨守成规. 保持你的眼睛和耳朵对新事物的开放. 是 there newer or better ways to 市场 your products and 服务s? 是 顾客要求你提供不了的东西? 有没有 你应该瞄准不同类型的客户? 找到答案 reading everything you can about your industry and listening to your 客户.







