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Financial Aid

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For form submission please use the eForms platform to submit forms to the financial aid office.

Student Services Building

Fall 2023 Hours

Monday – Thursday




Financial Aid eForms

Once you have completed the online financial aid application, 在确定某些类型的援助资格之前,CR财务援助办公室可能会要求您提供额外的文件. 财政援助文件必须通过电子表格提交. 

For help in navigating eForms, view the  EFORMS TUTORIAL

Required Forms

Log in to WebAdvisor 并检查“myFinAid”,看看是否缺少所需的文件. If applicable, there will be a link to each required eForm  (eForms login page tip: use your student email login credentials).  同时注意你的学生电子邮件帐户中关于任何新要求或状态更新的电子邮件.


Optional Forms

Use the links below to access optional eForms. For help in navigating eForms, refer to the FAQ below or view the  EFORMS TUTORIAL  (eForms login page tip: use your student email login credentials)

Additional Documents -提交你希望提交的跟进文件或其他杂项文件.

Release of Information -允许我们与您以外的人分享您的经济援助信息

Dependency Status Review – to request to be an Independent Student for financial aid

Dependency Status Update -在事先批准后,将您的独立身份延长至未来一年

Direct Loan Application – to request a student loan (additional details and steps to apply for a loan)

Direct Loan Change Request – to request a change or cancel an existing loan

Financial Aid Cancellation -取消部分或全部经济援助奖励(如果你正在取消奖学金) loan ONLY, use the Direct Loan Change Request form)


Form Deadlines

大多数表格的截止日期是在学年最后一次出勤日期之前.  However, 在学期最后出勤日期之前,应提交以下特定学期表格:SAP申诉和特定学期贷款申请.

Processing Timelines

请在提交eForm后的2-5天内在myFinAid中显示为“已收到”. 当收到所有要求的文件时,您的文件将被审查. 文件按照完成的顺序进行审查,审查过程可能需要2-4周.

Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or need assistance!


Frequently Asked Questions:


如果使用不同的gmail帐户(如个人帐户)登录到用于访问表单的设备上,则会出现登录错误. To resolve this error, please do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Student Email” at the upper left hand corner.
  3. Log into your student email.
  4. 使用财政援助电子邮件中提供的链接登录eForms, myFinAid,或在:

这个过程确保了eForms不会尝试使用个人google帐户. For more information please see page 2 of the eForms tutorial. If the student needs additional assistance please see page 3 of the tutorial.


  • 在Webadvisor中检查myFinAid,然后点击“完成所需文件”
  • Students are also sent an email to their student email ( regarding which forms they need to submit
  • 学生亦可登入电子表格,并在表格部分查阅电子表格核对表.

Please see page 6 of the eForms Tutorial for information or you can email us from your student email at

学生可以使用电子表格底部的“附件”按钮将文件附加到电子表格上. Some eForms require attachments, 有些电子表单提供附件选项,而其他电子表单不提供附加文档的选项. Please see page 9 of the eForms tutorial.

如果学生需要提交的文件不是表格或不能与我们当前的任何电子表格提交, they may use the “Additional Documents” eForms. Please see page 12 of the eForms tutorial.

如果在提交电子表格时出现" unsubmit "错误,请执行以下步骤:

  1. 检查任何其他错误消息,通常eForm将说明问题所在.
  2. 阅读电子表格的说明,有些电子表格需要附件.
  3. 一些电子表单有必填项,确保所有必填项都填好了.
  4. Refresh the browser and reattempt submitting the eForm.

如果“无法提交”错误继续发生,请皇冠365官方app的财务援助办公室寻求额外的帮助. Please email us at:

请给财务援助人员1-2周的时间来审核您提交的电子表格. 学生可在电子表格的活动部分查看他们的电子表格是否已成功提交. Please refer to page 14 of the eForm tutorial for more information on checking the status of a submitted eForm.

Once financial aid staff have reviewed your eForm, it will be marked as received in the students’ myFinAid.

If there is an issue with the eForm, 它将返回到学生的电子表单收件箱,并将电子邮件通知发送到学生的电子邮箱. 学生将在他们的学生电子邮件中获得一个链接,以访问他们返回的电子表格,或者他们可以重新登录电子表格并访问他们的收件箱. The returned eForm can be corrected and resubmitted. Please refer to page 15 of the eForms tutorial for more information on returned eForms.

学生在他们的学生邮件中收到一封关于返回的电子表格的电子邮件. 电子邮件将包括来自财务援助人员的评论,提供理由/指导. 该电子邮件还将包含一个直接链接,以访问返回的电子表格.

Returned eForms are sent to the inbox in the eForms system. Student may log into eForms by going to, logging in and then clicking on “Inbox.” Please refer to page 15 in the eForms tutorial for more information on returned eForms and the inbox function.

如果您已经提交了电子表单,您可能无法再次提交相同的表单,除非该表单已返回到您的电子表单收件箱. 一些电子表单可能只提交一次,其他电子表单可能会多次提交.


如果您被要求向已接受的电子表格提交额外的文件, you may be asked to use the MISC. 电子表格或附加文件电子表格提交附加信息. 有关需要提交哪些电子表格的更多信息,请参阅您的myFinAid.

如果您在提交的电子表格上犯了错误,并希望进行更正, please contact us using your student email at:

学生可以在电子表格平台上点击“活动”查看他们提交的电子表格. 活动部分将显示哪些电子表格正在“进行中”等待经济援助工作人员审查,哪些表格已经“结束”,这意味着经济援助工作人员已经审查并接受了您的电子表格.

To learn more about the status of your eForm, please see page 14 of the eForms tutorial.

  2023 College of the Redwoods