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Defaulted on a Student Loan?


Defaulting on a Student Loan | What You Need To Know

如果你不偿还你的贷款,你将成为拖欠你的贷款,并将在你的学生贷款违约的风险. 拖欠你的贷款将导致你的学生贷款被送去收款. 我们将讨论一些关键信息,关于如果你拖欠学生贷款会发生什么,以及有哪些选择可以让你的贷款恢复良好的信誉. 这些选项是通过教育部提供的学生贷款在美国,并非所有的学生贷款都像私人学生贷款一样通过教育部审批.



What is delinquency?

你的学生贷款将成为拖欠的第二天,你错过了付款, even if you miss one payment and you begin to make payments later, you are still delinquent until you repay the past due amount.

The effects of delinquency:

If you are more than 90 days delinquent, 您的贷款服务人员将向所有主要的国家信用局报告违约情况, this will lower your credit score and affect your finances. 信用评分差的人很难获得信用卡, auto loans and forms of consumer credit. You may also have trouble getting a cell phone plan, 被批准租公寓,甚至签了水电费.

How to avoid delinquency:

如果你发现你在支付学生贷款上有困难, always contact your loan servicer. 有很多选择可以帮助你保持贷款的良好信誉. Some of those options include: Deferment of payment, Forbearance, or changing your repayment plan.



What is Default?

For a loan made under the William D. 福特联邦直接贷款计划或联邦家庭教育贷款计划, 如果你在至少270天(约9个月)内没有按时偿还学生贷款,你就会被视为违约。.

The Effects of Default:

当你拖欠助学贷款时,一系列的后果将会发生, the following are those consequences:

  • 全部未付余额立即到期,包括所欠的任何利息.
  • You lose the ability to request a deference or forbearance, you also lose the ability to choose a repayment plan.
  • You will lose eligibility for student financial aid.
  • Your credit will be further affected, you will not be able to purchase a car, house or obtain a credit card.
  • Any tax refunds may be withheld and applied to defaulted loan.
  • Your wages will be garnished.
  • You can be taken to court by your loan holder.
  • You will be liable for court charges, collection fees, attorney fees, and other costs with the collection process.
  • It can take years to reestablish a good credit record.
  • 皇冠365官方app可以扣留你的学习成绩,比如成绩单.


Default student loan video:




How do I check my loans?

Self Service:

Do you know who your loan servicer is or was? Do you know if you are delinquent or in default? If you do not know the answer to these questions, please visit and log in using your FSA ID and Password. You will be able to see your current loan debt, your current loan servicer and current status of your loans. If you don’t have an FSA ID and Password you can create one. 如果您的FSA ID被锁定,需要管理员支持, please call the FSA ID Help Center at: 1-800-433-3243.

College of the Redwoods Assistance:

如果你是皇冠365官方app的学生或者曾经是皇冠365官方app的学生, you can contact our Financial Aid Office at 707-476-4182 or


Your options for getting out of default:

There are three options for getting out of loan default. Option 1. Pay the defaulted loan in full, Option 2. Consolidate defaulted loans, or Option 3. Rehabilitate your defaulted loan. 我们建议通过教育部拨打默认的学生贷款额度,以获得有关这些选项如何适用于您的特定情况的详细信息, please call 1-800-621-3115. Applying for these options is FREE. 第三方可能会与您联系,并尝试收取费用以代表您这样做, but they are not affiliated with the Department of Education. 使用下面的展开器了解每个选项的更多信息,包括优缺点.


您可以通过联系您的贷款持有人来偿还拖欠的贷款债务, to find out who is holding your defaulted loan please visit or calling 1-800-621-3115.


贷款合并允许你用新的合并贷款偿还一项或多项联邦学生贷款. 要巩固联邦学生贷款,你必须做以下其中一件事:

    • 同意在收入驱动的还款计划下偿还新的合并直接贷款.


    • Make three consecutive, voluntary, on time, 在合并违约贷款之前,每月偿还违约贷款.

Pros of loan consolidation:

    • Quickest method of getting out of default
    • 有资格获得:宽容、延期、贷款减免和接受经济援助.

Cons of Loan Consolidation:

    • Limitations to repayment plan options
    • Defaulted loan will not be removed from credit history


贷款恢复允许您对违约贷款进行支付,并有能力使贷款摆脱违约并恢复良好信誉. 为了恢复违约贷款,您必须同意以下内容:

    • Agree in writing to make nine (9) voluntary, 合理和负担得起的每月付款(由贷款持有人决定)在到期日的20天内.
    • 在连续十(10)个月内付清所有九(9)笔付款.

如果你付不起最初确定的月供金额, 你可以要求你的贷款持有人根据你每月收入的金额计算一个替代的每月付款,在扣除你每月费用的合理金额后剩余的金额.


Note: To rehabilitate a defaulted Federal Perkins Loan, you must make a full monthly payment each month, within 20 days of the due date, for nine consecutive months. 你需要的每月还款金额由你的贷款持有人决定.

Pros of Loan Rehabilitation:

    • 有资格获得:延期,延期,贷款减免,还款计划和接受经济援助.
    • Defaulted loan will be removed from credit history

Cons of Loan Rehabilitation:

    • 一次性选项,不要错过付款,不要再拖欠贷款.
    • Takes longer than loan consolidation
    • If you are experiencing wage garnishment, 拖欠工资将一直持续到贷款完全偿还为止.




如果你准备巩固你的学生贷款或开始康复过程, you start by calling or applying online. 我们建议学生打电话给教育部,了解更多关于他们的选择,并在申请过程中获得指导. When applying for consolidation or rehabilitation, 确保你的学生贷款是通过教育部发放的. 有可能您的违约贷款没有发送到教育部,而是由担保人和他们的贷款服务商持有.

  2023 College of the Redwoods